In an exclusive chat with Harsimran Julka (economic times), Suneet Singh Tuli, CEO of UK-based Datawind, which makes web access devices, shares the story behind Aakash, the cheapest tablet computer. Edited excerpts:
In an exclusive chat with Harsimran Julka (economic times), Suneet Singh Tuli, CEO of UK-based Datawind, which makes web access devices, shares the story behind Aakash, the cheapest tablet computer. Edited excerpts:
When did you decide to bid for the world's cheapest tablet?
I was reading an ET story in January, last year, on my way to London from Amritsar, that India had issued such an open tender, and none of the companies were being able to deliver at the price. We were already developing tablets. My first thought was - Oh my God! we have missed it! We gave a call to HRD ministry and they said it's an open tender. It was January 18, and February 16 was the closing date. We worked day and night and showcased 100 samples to the government. We bid amongst eight contenders and won.
Do you think your tablet can compete with an Apple iPad?
My target is not the iPad customer. The Apple iPad is a beautiful product. But my customer is someone who will buy 10 of my tablets at the price of an iPad. It can be given to field sales force or students, for internet access, taking notes, watching HD videos, even making calls. My first computer was ironically an Apple Lisa in 1982 , and then a Macbook in 1985. But I don't think an iPad can deliver what my laptop can.
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